Personally, the holidays are a time to stop and reflect. I let everyone else fill up on uninteresting food and listen to bad music. I may sound like a scrooge, but every year, I hear someone defend ham, alcoholism, family pressures, and sugar cookies. I want to warm up some chocolate chip cookies, put on some Zeppelin or Tom Petty, and relax in the ease and great decision. I ask you to use this holiday downtime to focus on “Reinvention through loss.”
I do a little Yama Series Yoga and Journal every day, keeping these in my thoughts and remember, don't judge, just observe. Once I write, I let it all go and meditate
The Three Levels of Loss
Loss, stress, and wisdom are always easier when you seek them. It can be a bit intense when they come to you and find you first. It’s easier to hunt than to be hunted. Regardless of how we experience loss, it's often a path to lightening the load and simplifying. Not always, but stay with me here.
Losing Stuff
Losing something is hard; honestly, this is an excellent test of connection. Because the actual work of losing something is how much energy you spend trying to find it, or do you let it go? We all know that things turn up in the wash, but I’ve lost my car keys at the beach and the remote. They both had different vibes.
Did you lose something because of being irresponsible? Did you lose it due to neglect? Did you misplace it, or was it in your pocket the whole time? Were you just frantic?
How much energy have you spent looking for it, replacing it with a duplicate, or letting it go? How much faith do you have that it will show up later?

Fire & Flood - Trauma
Fire or flood, burglary or breakups. These can be abrupt, unplanned, and sometimes easier than above. Losing something keeps you in the loop of hope. Nature is non-negotiable. I hear people always say that aggression and directness are very masculine traits. However, Mother Nature can be straightforward. Sometimes loving communication shouldn't have room for interpretation. "Learn to f!?#ing cross the street."
We train so we can have practice and consciousness of the spectrum of potential energy we are among daily. So I say, Yoga is cleaning out the garage and letting go of the clutter to make space. Martial arts is coming home, and the garage is on fire and still being at peace.
This year, I've had the privilege to experience all 3 of these a few times each. I am grateful for the practice of growing from each. They all have their lessons. Let's make space for something fresh and in tune with your new energy level. When you lose something, let it go, or systematically make time to slow down, find it, then create new habits for mindfulness and responsibility. When things are ripped from your grasp, either behind your back or in your presence. There is a lesson there. You will be ok; you are in an energy that can be transformed from crisis to wisdom.