Are you hungry? Or just stuffed full of desire?
Try this three-step exercise
1. Get in your body: Take a few minutes to stretch a bit, work out, or do something to get in your body. If you’re a site member, do a qigong set, do the stillness practice—anything to get you into your body.
2. Meditate for 5 - 30 minutes. Clear out and focus on nothing, being nothing, disappearing into nothing.
3. Journal about the idea of HUNGER.
Hunger is different than desire
To be hungry for something is to acknowledge that there’s space for it in your body and life. You could walk by a donut and desire it, but if you’re already full, you may not be hungry for it. So how does this relate to the new year?
New years day is a time to reflect, and we often return our thoughts back to the same ideas. Getting in shape, transformation, or whatever your goal or resolution is. I ask you, though, is it your desire? Or are you hungry for it?
Do you have room for it? Then make space with your time, your energy, and your money.
Do you have the tools to make it? Teachers, workflow, etc.
Every year the wellness industry becomes a feeding frenzy of desire while we forget we’re already full.
Make space and take your time; you will have room to digest your old life to make room for the new one you are hungry for. So as you settle into your new year, tune into your hunger.