The Yama System

Let’s have fun with trigger words because they’ve been getting a bad rap for a bit, but I’m here to share the way that I  use trigger words to help me instead of giving me another reason to be all uppity about stuff.


Have you ever seen a boxing match or sporting event?

The coaches are speaking to the players using trigger words. One word can trigger an entire team to execute a play or a combination of techniques. When I was competing in martial arts, one word would trigger an entire combo. When I say Hokey Pokey, it triggers you to think of an entire dance.

 Can you use trigger words to trigger mindsets, habits, and any other positive chain of events you can think of?

For example:

When I say the word "home."

I use the 6/3/6 framework, and now the word "home" means so much more than it did when I lived at home with my parents, or as I call it, "That place where the vegetables are canned, and the TV is loud."

To say "home" triggers a feeling in me and reminds me to establish a relaxed baseline, an internal state of feeling at ease, and a place where I am free to create, communicate, relax, and observe.

  • When I'm with friends, home is a state of ease and peace even when there is nothing to talk about, and if I need to, I can talk about anything and be heard and not judged. Home is safe; home also has boundaries that I don't fight to defend.
  • At work, home is time to check in, make choices, and be productive and creative with all my equipment, gear, resources, and team working well together. Home, at work, is also a place where ideas are heard and built upon, and success is encouraged and supported. Home has productive conversations and seeks to execute ideas. 
  • In martial arts, home is a good structure, breathing, and relaxed alertness.
  • In my car, home is a great playlist, some snacks, I don't need to pee, and all's well.

I think you get it now.

So now, when you hear the word "home," does it trigger the past, or can you own it and use it to activate your own idea of "home."

You are in control of what happens when the trigger is pulled.

I would never suggest that you put down your outrage or moral high grounds around trigger words; I mean, most of of would have nothing to talk about or no way to feel good about ourselves. [PS... Put that sh!t down. I'm not judging you, but you're definitely judging yourself with that behavior.] 

I am just suggesting that you lighten up sometimes and use trigger words in a productive way, too. We can always flip our scrips. 

My first trigger when I hear someone calling others "narcissists" is to open up and zoom out to see if that person is in survival mode. People in survival mode can come off as selfish or become opportunists. However, if I am also in survival mode and meet someone else who is, too, or worse off, I start some sort of partnership with them. There might be some toxic chemistry and selfish behavior. Thus, there is an insane amount of people accusing others of narcissistic behavior. I see survival mode and people in crisis more than narcissism, but they often look very similar.

Your words are like your pants or lack thereof. Hopefully, you are choosing what words you use and what you're wearing because they both say a lot about you.

I don't choose my pants out of fear, and I don't choose my words out of fear. I really love this pants/words flow, so I'm going to keep it going, btw. So hang on because I'm typing by the seat of my pants here.

Whether it's words or pants:

  • What are your choices saying about you?
  • What type of attention is it bringing your way? Was it the attention you wanted or expected?
  • What triggers your adult pants, your pleated front dockers, your jean shorts, and what triggers your parachute pants? What do they trigger in others? Cuz never wear pleated front dockers unless you are ready for that much power.
  • What words trigger your conscious choices, and what words trigger your reactive states?

When you let a certain word trigger a certain behavior, you are programming yourself. If you are happy, how easily can a word or external stimulus destroy that and throw you into a reactionary tantrum or create turmoil? Your peace is precious, so spoil yourself to train your triggers to activate boundaries, choices, empathy, compassion, and contemplation as to why these words make you feel a certain way. AKA, F&?!ING JOURNAL! Because all those words I just said are empty unless you think, say, and practice them. Embodiment is more than just an overused word after yoga class. It means something.  


Within the next year, I will have a new book called The "Quick Guide," which is a list of words and concepts that trigger larger concepts. Like "home" and so many more. Start today with a one-on-one session, and we can begin your relationship with powerful triggers. One-word triggers can lead to efficient and empowering internal dialogue.

You can get the basics of the QUICK GUIDE in the mindfulness course in your premium membership. 

Have fun with positive and empowering trigger words. 

Fun fact. For me, the worst words trigger the best habits because words don't get my peace, and no, I will not share my process; I help you create your own process.  

Hit me up for some one on one coaching and build the skills to change your own damn life. 



PS. Learn more about the quick guide with a custom one-on-one session. Get efficient with your mindset and triggers. The highest performers use methods like this to effortlessly outperform the rest of us, for reals. 

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