The Yama System


Breathwork is all the rage these days, and just like most "pop" wellness trends, there are some missing pieces, instead of judging it like I used to. I think it's cool that folks are starting to realize that breathing is such a powerful practice. I kinda love the breathwork craze. It's natural, super beneficial, and tough to fake it. So, hell yeah!

To get the most out of your breathing experience, I would love to share with you a concept that opened up my breathing practice to a level that I didn't even imagine could exist. Mostly because I have yet to work with anyone that considers this concept I'm about to share. [the concept is breathing into your back. I can't hint at something and not tell you. I hate it when sales and marketing people do that crap. There's more to it, though, so keep reading] It took me 20 years to unlock, so hopefully, this can save you some time.

Many group classes are pretty hip. Whether you're in a meditation or a cardio kickboxing class, the group setting is where our vanity and ego rule. So, your attention will often be in the front of your body, where you can see yourself in the mirror. The front of our body is where we are most aware. This is not just in fitness. It's at work, socially, and even at home looking at yourself. One of the only times you may look at the back of your head is at the hair salon when they give you that big handheld mirror and spin you around. Honestly, though, I just pretend to look and say, "Wow, looks great." I don't think I have ever really focused on the back of my head. Plus, even though you may be looking at your back in some situations, is it just to see your butt or your body? Yes, still vanity or ego. But when do you ever feel your back? When do you tune into your back body? I'm sure some of you do this, but you are very rare if you do.


This one thing almost instantly changes my client's breathing and nervous systems.


Breathe into the back of your body and feel it gently move. You're probably not thinking of the back of your body, but there's a lot of room there, so bring your attention to it.

Sure, "breathwork" is fine, but if you have been reading my emails, taking courses, and training with me, you have heard me say, "If you can't walk with it, it doesn't exist."

Change "breathwork" to "breath awareness." Sure, it's fun to feel the euphoria of modern "pop" breathing. It is such a powerful way to transform your life. It's a safe way to get super high and feel amazing. However, if "breathing" is isolated to something so intense, you may forget the true magic of breath. It's not the work; it's the awareness. The softness. Relaxation to the point that air is simply allowed to enter and exit your body.


increase your capacity by opening your ribs. Use self-massage, yoga, or get a bodywork session from someone like me who will spend time opening your ribcage. My favorite healer always told me when working, "Do not forget about the ribs."

Right where you are now, fill the back of your body with air as you breathe. Just bring your attention there.

Educate yourself to release and control your diaphragm. Gaining awareness and learning the basics of your diaphragm can help you balance your nervous system.


What are the benefits of back breathing ?

  • More air and more energy
  • Better posture: Your ribs are open, so you are able to move and make space for the lungs. Plus, your skeleton will move. During bodywork sessions, simply shifting awareness to back breathing alone often releases the back.
  • Balanced and adaptable nervous system: Your diaphragm is a referee of your nervous system so you can stay balanced.
  • Better digestion: When you are in fight or flight or reacting to life, the emotions and nerves take valuable attention away from digestion. So many of us have food in our stomachs just fermenting and waiting for a moment to relax and digest. You can eat as healthy as you want, but when your mind and nervous system aren’t relaxed, you might not be digesting properly. 
  • Better sleep: Being relaxed will help you sleep and recovery. 


There’s so much more to breathing and to explore it takes something many people do not seek. It takes a mind and awareness to tune into the subtle. That’s the magic of all the best arts and teachings. Wisdom speaks very softly, but it is not keeping secrets. So when you are practicing something that is so intense and exciting that requires you to WORK! Then know that to get to the next level, you must GO IN, get soft, and tune into the subtle. Yin and Yang is everywhere.





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