It's easy to open a door, a window, your mind, a chakra. However, when we do this, ask yourself or your teacher if you have built your guardians of the space you just opened.
This is why I always ask students to think of expansion. It's slower, it takes more work, but it has a foundation, and when you expand, every part of the structure is fortified and grows with you. You no longer just open the door and allow anything in, you expand into the unknown.

This is a principle I love to use when I'm meditating. I sit, and where I am is the foundation to expand from. There's a process of course, and yes, we can train it, this is a good time to remind you that I do private sessions. In a nutshell, slowly expand your consciousness as far out as you can from the point you're at.
Did you take the YING YANG energy course in the premium Bonus Section?
Because this is Yin Yang energy. Fun fact: damn near everything is. We go out and in, we go up and down, etc... To open, usually just allows whatever happens to happen. You need a guardian and an immune system first for that. Trust me. We wonder why so many of our friends, maybe even ourselves, go off into convenient ceremonies to "open," but they return a little "weird."
As I often say, "There's no back door to the front door."
